The Condensed Matter Physics Center (IFIMAC) invites applications for one 3-year research position for young scientists with an experimental profile aiming to start and lead an independent research group.
IFIMAC is a “María de Maeztu” Excellence Research Unit since 2014, located in the campus of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM) pursuing cutting-edge research and scientific excellence at the crossroads of Physics, Chemistry, Materials Science and Biology, fostering a truly multidisciplinary approach. Research performed in IFIMAC has gained world reputation in the following areas : Advanced Materials, First Principles Simulations and Modelling, Nanophysics, Nano and Quantum Optics and Soft Condensed Matter and Biophysics.
More information on IFIMAC research can be found in its webpage : .
We are looking for ambitious young scientists with an innovative experimental research program at the forefront of any branch within Condensed Matter Physics . The scope of this opening is similar to that of the Ramón y Cajal grant scheme of the Spanish Government. We will also provide the position with research funds of up to 200k Euros for the whole period. Applications with programs addressing topics that complement IFIMAC existing core strengths are particularly welcome. Applicants are expected to hold an outstanding record of research achievements and publications in top-quality journals. The key criteria for appointment are potential for original contributions and major commitment to frontier research at the highest-international level.
Applicants are requested to send a statement of interest, a research plan, a complete curriculum vitae (including a list of publications), and the contact information for at least three references. All this information should be sent via e-mail to [email protected].
Deadline for applications : March 15
Contact information : Rubén Pérez.IFIMAC Director. E-mail : [email protected]